Benvenuti' Welcome!

Enjoy Our Outdoor Dining

We the members of the Italo American Club of Rhode Island, in order to provide the means of social interaction, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvement, active participation in civic betterment without regard to political or religious affiliations, to uphold the principles of good government and American Institutions, to perpetuate the cultural traditions of Italy and strive for a general appreciation of things Italian in so far as doing so does not conflict with American ideals, do hereby organize ourselves into such a club and pledge ourselves to be governed by this constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order.

Summer 2024

For those early members who have passed on and left us this legacy, we are eternally greatful. We pray that our future generations of Italian-Americans will continue the tradition of our beloved Italo American Club


The Italo American Club was first established as a society of Italo Americans in 1896. In 1899 they filed it’s charter with the State of Rhode Island.


View the current listing of Club Officers and Board Members.


Visit our  club photo gallery for photos of past events including dinners, parties and other club events.


Maria’s Cucina at the Italo American Club. New members welcome, open to the public.

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